About UsEmpowering students to create solutions for tomorrow’s challenges

Know About Us

Described as the land of Tirulugannada in Sri Vijaya Kavirajamarga the first Kannada poem, Koppal has acquired profound historical significance. Known as the legendary Mahakopana city in inscriptions, Koppal retains its historical eminence to this day. The Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Rural Development Education and Welfare Society (R) Koppal, established in the esteemed Koppal district, is diligently engaged in various educational, social, and environmental endeavours within the city and its environs. Our organisation is steadfastly committed to enhancing the well-being of the populace, particularly children, through numerous initiatives. Saraswati Vidyamandir operates both primary and high schools, ensuring the delivery of high-quality education to our students.
Presently, our institution accommodates students from nursery to the 10th standard, with a total enrolment of 675 children. A dedicated faculty of 24 educators diligently facilitates their learning journey. Henceforth, our institution possesses a well-equipped school building sprawled across 2.00 acres of land, complete with a commodious playground, fostering an optimal learning environment for our students. Moreover, we offer a salubrious atmosphere and an expansive library, enhancing the educational ambiance we strive to cultivate.
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Student Strength


Teaching Staff


Non Teaching Staff


School Awards


One Book, One Pen, One Child, and One Teacher Can Change the World

-Malala Yousafzai

News & Announcements

23RD MARCH 2024

10TH Examination will be held accross karnataka on this date of 23rd march 2024. all the best to the students

25th MARCH 2024

Adminssion for the academic year 2024 - 2025 starts from 25th of march 2024 from Pre-school upto 10th standard.

Dear Parents..

Childrens are sapling when they properly nourished and loved. They will become pillars of our sodety and bear abundant fruit to the society. Saraswati Vidyamandir English Medium School was setup with an intention to provide a sound and all Round education to young generation of our society

An Ideal Location

Our School is Located deep inside the serene, green location at the bottom of the koppal fort, Near Bahadurbandi, Saraswathi Vidyamandir offers the perfect contribution of stress free pollution free learning environment for young minds. Just 2.5kms away from koppal town. Our Education system gives the children the benefit of a lifetime amidst nature.

Sound Administration

The administration of our school is look after by the eminent educationist for all round development of school well as children of the school our moto is to give good and cultured moral education.

Directors MessageLook What They have to say about SVM

Reshma H. Athnoor

Education is the compass guiding us towards our dreams. It's the key unlocking the doors of opportunity and the fuel igniting our passions. In classrooms, we don't just learn, we cultivate greatness. Let's embrace this journey of enlightenment together, for through education, we shape not only our future but the world's.

R. H. Athnoor

Education is the cornerstone upon which dreams are built. It's the roadmap to discovery, the bridge to opportunity, and the catalyst for transformation. With each lesson absorbed, we carve out new horizons and unveil the boundless potential within. Let us embrace the journey of learning with open minds and eager hearts, for in education lies the power to shape not only our destinies but the world we aspire to create.

Asha Athnoor

Education is the nourishing soil that fosters growth and resilience. With each passing day, as knowledge blossoms and wisdom deepens, we become architects of our own destinies. Let us cherish the journey of learning, for it shapes not only who we are but also who we aspire to become. In the classroom of life, let curiosity be our compass and determination our guiding light, for through education, we unfold the extraordinary potential within us, transforming aspirations into achievements.